Categories: info funny tech games art science retro web media

Blinkie Maker

A blinkie generator you can use to create your own blinkie gifs, choosing from dozens of styles and adding whatever text you like.

2022-10-29 20:03:10 - category: web - permalink
Bad Game Hall of Fame

The Bad Game Hall of Fame is dedicated to giving bad games the due process they deserve, bringing about a better understanding of these oft-dismissed releases by examining their history, reviewing their contents, and measuring their impacts on the industry.

2022-10-24 19:53:14 - category: games - permalink

Experimental website to browse and search vintage computer files from, thousands of new files are added daily. Compatible with classic web browsers, CSS & JS not required.

2022-10-18 17:19:54 - category: retro - permalink
Advent of Code

An Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like.

2022-10-09 22:34:59 - category: tech - permalink
The Innocence Test

A re-imagining of the Rice Purity Test updated for the 21st century rebel.

2022-10-09 22:19:57 - category: funny - permalink
Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection

A collection of small puzzle games which can be downloaded as desktop toys or be played right in your browser.

2022-09-16 19:00:59 - category: games - permalink
DVD Screensaver

Watch out for when it hits the corner...

2022-09-16 18:58:57 - category: funny - permalink
Has the Queen Died Yet?

A Twitter account posting every day whether or not Queen Elizabeth II has died yet.

2022-09-08 18:14:16 - category: funny - permalink
DIY Chime Design and Build

A website dedicated to in-depth information and instructions on how to build your own wind chimes, from material selection to tooling techniques.

2022-09-04 20:05:57 - category: info - permalink
Public Pianos

Search thousands of public pianos around the world and find the piano closest you to you! Or, check out a random piano that has been played!

2022-09-04 20:02:50 - category: art - permalink
Radio Shack Catalogs

Flip through an archive of every Radio Shack electronics and computer catalogs from 1939 to 2011.

2022-09-04 20:02:24 - category: tech - permalink
Memory Bandwidth Napkin Math

If you've ever come across "numbers every programmer should know", this article is an interesting read about real-world computer memory ballpark figures.

2022-08-31 19:31:59 - category: tech - permalink
Make WordArt

Create your own nostalgic Microsoft WordArt and party like it's 1995.

2022-08-27 17:32:11 - category: retro - permalink
Pet Cursor

A simple javascript file that turns your website's cursor into a cute animated pet!

2022-08-27 17:31:49 - category: web - permalink
Metaflop Modulator

An easy to use web application which allows you to easily customize a font within the given parameters and generate a large range of font families with very little effort.

2022-08-27 17:31:28 - category: art - permalink