Categories: info funny tech games art science retro web media

Tom's Toys

A collection of web toys, games, tools and experiments.

2024-02-16 23:51:54 - category: games - permalink
Bad Game Hall of Fame

The Bad Game Hall of Fame is dedicated to giving bad games the due process they deserve, bringing about a better understanding of these oft-dismissed releases by examining their history, reviewing their contents, and measuring their impacts on the industry.

2022-10-24 19:53:14 - category: games - permalink
Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection

A collection of small puzzle games which can be downloaded as desktop toys or be played right in your browser.

2022-09-16 19:00:59 - category: games - permalink
Marble Blast Web

A port of Marble Blast Gold and Platinum, playable in a modern web browser.

2022-08-24 18:20:44 - category: games - permalink

You are given two random Wikipedia articles. Can you guess which one is longer or has the most views? Place your bets now!

2022-08-23 17:26:03 - category: games - permalink